Sunday, July 24, 2005

Let's Get Campy!

Here I am, at Big Lake, and I can't believe that I only have 3 weeks left of camp! It's been a bit more tiring than last year, but I am still so glad to be here. I recently found out that the orphanage I'll be working at this next year is switching management. Instead of being run by Maranatha, it will be run by International Children's Care. One of my friends, Peter McNabb, went to an ICC orphanage last year and didn't have to get there as early as I have to go to El Salvador, so I am looking into ways that I might be able to spend a few more days, and maybe even weeks, at home. As it stands, I have six days at home between camp and El Salvador. That's just barely long enough to unpack from camp, and pack up again for Central America, so a little more time would be WONDERFUL. We'll see what happens.


At 12:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, there is something to be said for going from one mission type experience to another, but I have no idea who is going to say it. :)


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