Monday, August 15, 2005

...where the buffalo roam

I am home, once again, after eight and a half weeks at camp. I'm still working on unpacking, but at least almost everything's out of the car now. I discovered that I can't go to El Salvador any later than previously planned because there are going to be 18 student missionaries, plus many members from the new management (ICC), at the orphanage for a huge orientation, so I need to be there for that. I just found out that my ticket is actually purchased now, so that's a relief, and so now I just have time to prepare for El Salvador. I plan on taking a guitar down there and teaching myself how to play. I got to play my bass guitar a lot at camp and that was a lot of fun, but now I want to learn an instrument that's a little more useful. Plus, I'll need some sort of musical outlet.


At 2:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In case you get bored with the guitar, I recommend that you take along another instrument, like a sousaphone or a triangle.

At 4:04 PM, Blogger Brittany said...

Hmm...a sousaphone..I like it! So go ahead and send me a sousaphone piecemeal through the mail. I'm sure it'll be a blast to play.

At 12:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It may have to be a soprano sousaphone, as the shipping costs on a full-size one may get... um... out of hand.

(By the way, here is some proof that the soprano sousaphone actually exists.)

At 3:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said... no joke, my name is brittany waring. i live in florida. how cool :)

At 9:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, dear sister. How come you are so procrastinatory in updating your blog page? Hmm?? I'm so curious. Tell me EVERYTHING that's going on!!!!!!!


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