Sunday, October 09, 2005

the adventures of Mullet Girl

I am happy to announce that I am now enjoying the kids here. They just happen to be kids that aren't in my house. The other day, I was walking to the office to send a letter and on the way there, a little girl from Reception said hello to me. I saw her again on the way back. I hadn't been able to send my letter, so when she ran to me with her arms out-stretched, we sat in the street looking at my letter. I pointed out the stamps and told her who it was going to. She was in awe. She wanted to touch it. She wanted to hold it. She wanted to open it, but I wouldn't allow that. Another little girl came out to join in the fun, and instead of being fascinated with the letter, she kept touching my face, in awe as well. After a few minutes of this, one of them finally asked (in baby-Spanish), "Why is your skin like that?" I asked them if they meant why was it white, but they said no, and indicated the freckles. I told them I didn't know why, I was just like that. Eventually, they discovered the beeping sound my watch makes and that entertained them for a few minutes. I then decided to go, and they were a bit sad, but not terribly so. Then on Friday, I spent most of my time in House 1. As I was walking by, some girls called out to me and begged me to come in the house. I did, and Conchita ended up reading a book to me. We then watched Shrek 2 in Spanish (and I was so glad that I'd seen it before, otherwise I wouldn't have had a clue as to what was going on). Afterwards, Conchita wanted me to swing her around by an arm and a leg so that she would be flying. I did, and it was lots of fun. But then Gloria wanted me to swing her around. Gloria is bigger. She's not fat, but she's only about 4 inches shorter than me, which is a big deal when you're trying to swing them through the air. I kept telling her that I couldn't do it, but that Ian could, so why didn't she go ask him? But she wouldn't. Eventually, she was hugging me and picking her feet up off the ground, and I realized that I could swing her around that way. So I did, and she seemed to like it a lot. I then went to go sit with Megan on the curb and Conchita and Rosita came and engaged me in a tickle war. Oh, it was so much fun. I laughed a lot.
Last night, I had Alexis cut my hair. It's been getting pretty long and a bit scraggly, and I'd been considering cutting it for at least a few days. It took Alexis at least an hour to do it, but she did a really good job. It's layered and a bit shorter, but I figure, I've got time to grow it out. The only thing is that the bottom layer is a little on the long side, so I'm feeling a bit like Mullet Girl. Thankfully, Alexis said she'd take care of that tonight. So enjoy it while you can, because tonight, Mullet Girl dies!


At 1:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you have a picture of yourself as your "Mullet Girl" alter ego, and that you post it for all to... um... enjoy. :)

Glad to hear you're having fun.

At 8:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mullet Girl could be sexy...I'm seeing it. In a back-woods down south kinda way.


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