Thursday, November 10, 2005


My, so much has happened since I last wrote! First of all, the day of my last entry, I went home and found out that the substitute parents, Mami Yani and Papi Chepe, would be taking over our house the following day. I was so relieved! Things have been so much more peaceful and organized in our house ever since. I feel secure that if there's something that I can't handle, I can rest assured that Mami Yani will take care of it.
The following Sabbath was Communion Sabbath, and I really felt the Lord's provision for me then. When it was time to wash our feet, I didn't know where to go, but Mami Yani showed me. Then once we were outside, I asked one of the girls if they were going to wash their feet, but they said they couldn't because they weren't baptized yet. So I looked around for someone to wash feet with, and this woman was there under a tree with her daughter. I don't know who she was, and I'm sad to say, that even though she told me her name at the end, I have forgotten it. Anyway, she offered to wash my feet, and it was just such a blessing. She was so kind and helpful, and didn't laugh at my prayer in broken Spanish. Then, when I went back into the sanctuary, I sat down and felt like ready my Bible. I knew I felt like reading a Psalm, but I didn't know which one, since I haven't read the Psalms a whole lot. So I did something I don't usually do--I just opened my Bible somewhere in the middle. My eye fell on Psalm 63, and it was exactly what I was hoping for. The words spoke to me, and I felt at peace. It was wonderful.
Now for the main topic of this blog: infestations. No, it does not seem like a happy topic, but it must be broached. Last Tuesday I came back from my day off and picked a skirt to wear to culto. I picked one I hadn't worn in a while, and when I shook it out to get rid of the wrinkles, ants went flying about the room and something that looked like grains of rice hit the floor. My roommate and I were appalled, and I actually screamed. We tried to kill them all by squashing them with our feet, but there were too many, so we broke out the can of Raid and sprayed as many ants as we could. Then, to our horror and chagrin, we discovered that the two neighboring skirts were infested as well! We took out the skirts and washed them at the pila, then swept the room and mopped. It was an undertaking that took a good 45 minutes, so we ended up missing culto. Along the way, we discovered that the "grains of rice" had eyes. They were ant larvae! I was thouroughly disgusted. Ugh.
Another type of infestation is that of germs. I have acquired my first "cold" recently, complete with sneezing, nasal drainage, and achiness. Whoever came up with the term "cold" in referring to the symptoms I have just mentioned obviously thought that such an illness could only be encountered in northern climates. I have not felt cold for some time now, and yet, I have a cold. Go figure.
Also, while picking up piles of leaves with my work group yesterday, we discovered an infestation of glass in the grass. I spent quite a long time scouring the lawn for more fragments of glass, but just when I thought I'd seen them all, another one would pop up. Very exciting. My kids got impatient with me. Oh well.
Anyway, that's about all for now. We will be starting summer classes on Monday and I will be teaching four classes of swimming. This will be exciting.


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